
A few things worth blogging about...

I know my blogging has been somewhat lacking, so I thought it was time for a quickie-catch-up post. Here are just a few things I believe are worth a post…

1. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince came out in the theaters late Tuesday night and I happened to have a ticket to the 11:59 showing. My two roommates and I carpooled with Chels and Brian to meet Cami in Draper for the (almost) midnight movie. Loved the movie…love-loved it! Chelsie and Brian designed our attire and I talked almost everyone into drawing scars on their foreheads. We’re pretty hard-core. P.S. For those who’ve seen the 6th movie, imagine walking out of the theater wearing what’s written on our shirts. Not the best feeling.

Harry decided to show up to the premiere. What a champ.

Apparently Voldemort was near - Cami's scar was hurting.

Couldn't stop laughing when "Dumbledore" sat next to Brian - the picture seemed necessary.

2. I’ve lived in Utah all my life and had never been to the Southern / Eastern beauties of the beehive state…until just recently. I made a trip with some friends to Arches, Goblin Valley, Canyonlands, and Monument Valley - all of which are must-sees. (Especially Canyonlands.) This trip was also the beginning of my “modeling” career. More to come. :)

I loved this place...

Canyonlands...you people need to go here.

Famous "Forrest Gump" road - recognize it?

3. Today I learned a new word. Auspicious. It means promising success; propitious; opportune; favorable. Use it. I’m going to.

4. Last night my friend Kelly and I made a quick trip to St. George to run a 5k in memorial of one of our teammates who passed away last year. Regardless of the fact that neither of us were in shape for it, we had a blast. Possibly due to not getting pulled over while making the trip in under 3 hours. Possibly because we landed a sweet deal with the cheapest hotel, which included a king-size bed. Possibly because during the race some man standing in the street gave each of us an otterpop. Or maybe because we went to Denny’s after the race and each ate a delicious “moons over my hammie” (or, as the waitress called it, "moons over your hammie"). All were great contributors to our successful trek down south. Oh, and by the way - it’s HOT down there. :) Our race started at 11:00 PM and it was still blazing. Crazy.

What a surprise to find that we both brought the exact same outfit to run it - courtesy of BYU athletics. Our shoes are even the same. Kinda funny. Kinda not.

We finished...otterpops in hand. :) Looking like twins.

5. I’m officially getting paid to blog. What a great feeling. Somedays I truly love my job.

1 comment:

The Caldwells said...

wow, that is a seriously scary picture of me. thanks for sharing it with the blogging community. the movie was fabulous!